MC 2009-01-05: Things of Note


Based on the latest Media Create hardware numbers...
DS vs PSP: Weekly shares of 62.7 / 37.3 bring total shares to 68.9 / 31.1. If DS stopped selling and PSP continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 230.4 weeks (June 12, 2013).

X360 vs PS3: Weekly shares of 27.3 / 72.7 bring total shares to 24.1 / 75.9. If PS3 stopped selling and X360 continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 175.4 weeks (May 24, 2012).

PS3 vs Wii: Weekly shares of 40.6 / 59.4 bring total shares to 26.2 / 73.8. If Wii stopped selling and PS3 continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 175.1 weeks (May 21, 2012).

Week over week, everything tanks. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.


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