Japan - As 2008 comes to a close, Nintendo is looking to answer where exactly the Wii is at in terms of its future and current momentum. The Wii has currently sold more than half a million fewer consoles in 2008 than it did in 2007 (see: chart), and even more concerning, the holiday push of Animal Crossing: City Folk and Wii Music seems to have a dampened effect compared to Wii Fit in the same period.
Check this out:
Wii 2007 2008 DIFFERENCE
11/10 36,230 26,787 9,443
11/17 54,362 35,298 19,064
11/24 74,764 49,848 24,916
12/01 115,057 ??? ???
1. 2007 Wii has outsold 2008 Wii for five weeks in a row, and 34 weeks this year out of 48 possible weeks.
2. 2008 Wii has sold 577,323 fewer consoles in 48 weeks than were sold in 2007.
3. For comparison purposes: PS3 is down 139,727 units and the 360 is actually up by 31,748 so far.
Media Create Sales: 11/24 - 11/30 (Consoles)
(click to enlarge)

"the holiday push of Animal Crossing: City Folk and Wii Music seems to have a dampened effect compared to Wii Fit in the same period."
Err, not quite yet. Wii Fit didn't release until December 2; we don't have 2008 numbers up to that point yet.
Looking at the comparisons of the last few weeks from 2007 and 2008, it looks like Wii has recently been doing a bit under 70% of what it did last year. If for the final four weeks of the year it sticks at about 68%, that will mean an additional 456K sales for a yearly total of 2.9 million.
I'm pretty sure that by the end of the year the Wii won't be down by quite so many units. Also, i'd expect the PS3 to be able to break even over 2007 by the end of the year.
Good news so far for the Xbox 360.........maybe by this time NEXT year it'll hit the 1 million mark total sales, LOL!
this is only in japan not world wide
Anonymous: I think this message gets through since the first word in the story is a bolded Japan, but I suppose it couldn't hurt for it to be in the title since this blog doesn't focus exclusively on Japan--just heavily, since that's where we get so much data.
David: I think expecting PS3 to catch up to its 2007 self is a pretty optimistic view. It's over 100K behind, and has only had a weekly number higher than the equivalent 2007 week once in the last 20 weeks. To catch up PS3 would need to exceed its 2007 performance by over 66% for the final weeks of the year.
Well the logic behind my "Optimism" is fairly simple. White Knight Chronicles, as far as i know, is still on track for a December 25th release date. I know that's the final week (Roughly) of 2008 but since WKC looks AMAZING and seeing as how the Japaneese love them some JRPG, you'd have to be a bit pessimistic NOT to think that game's gonna spur hardware sales.
Also, the last few weeks of the year are when the biggest rises usually are in console sales and considering 2008 has seen a year - over - year increase so far over 2007, you'd have to expect that would count for the Christmas period as well.
David: "and considering 2008 has seen a year - over - year increase so far over 2007, you'd have to expect that would count for the Christmas period as well."
Did you look at the data in this post? If PS3 had seen a year-over-year increase in Japan from 2007 to 2008, it wouldn't _need_ to catch up.
PS3's best single week of hardware sales was its launch week: 81,639. If each of the remaining four weeks of the year match that, it will still fail to catch up to 2007's total. For PS3 to catch up to last year's total, it will need to set some new personal bests.
...and that won't happen, unfortunately.
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