MC 2008-10-27 and Famitsu 2008-10-20: Things of Note


Based on the latest Famitsu hardware numbers...

PSP comparisons: After 203 weeks, PSP is where PS2 was at 150.9 weeks (January 18, 2003), where DS was at 91.1 weeks (August 28, 2006), and where GBA was at 132.9 weeks (October 5, 2003).

X360 comparisons: After 151 weeks, X360 is where GCN was at 14.8 weeks (December 22, 2001), where PS3 was at 17.8 weeks (March 10, 2007), and where Wii was at 3.9 weeks (December 23, 2006).

PS3 comparisons: After 103 weeks, PS3 is where PS2 was at 22.1 weeks (July 31, 2000), where PSP was at 53.7 weeks (December 16, 2005), where GCN was at 102.8 weeks (August 29, 2003), and where Wii was at 24.2 weeks (May 14, 2007).

Wii comparisons: After 100 weeks, Wii is where GBA was at 90.4 weeks (December 11, 2002), where DS was at 70.8 weeks (April 7, 2006), where PS2 was at 99.4 weeks (January 23, 2002), and where PSP was at 155.1 weeks (November 26, 2007).

So both the PS3/GCN and Wii/PS2 lines crossed again.

Based on the latest Media Create hardware numbers...

DS vs PSP: Weekly shares of 78.9 / 21.1, DS's strongest since the week before Crisis Core. This brings total shares to 69.0 / 31.0. If DS stopped selling and PSP continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 261.1 weeks (November 4, 2013).

PS3 vs Wii: Weekly shares of 63.1 / 36.9, slightly better than the share PS3 had the week of MGS4. This brings the total shares to 25.6 / 74.4. At this week's rates, PS3 catches up to Wii in 275.9 weeks (February 16, 2014). If Wii stopped selling and PS3 continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 114.8 weeks (January 15, 2011).

X360 vs PS3: Weekly shares of 13.4 / 86.6, PS3's best share since the week of the X360 shortage. This brings total shares to 23.5 / 76.5. If PS3 stopped selling and X360 continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 269.8 weeks (January 4, 2014).

Week over week, DS is way up due to DSi's arrival, PS3 is relatively way up thanks to new bundles, and everything else is a bit down.


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